- Priest of peril [completed]
- Able to kill level 24's or 88's monsters with malee,range or mage
- Food and good weapon fore close range melee
- Wolfbane dagger from priest in peril if you wish to kill the werewolves as level 24 "men"
The werewolves at canfis drop wolf bone when killed. which can be sold for around 300gp-500gp at grand exchange, and the GOOD thing about this is that the bank is VERY CLOSE only few step away from the werewolf's. WHICH IS THE REASOSN THESE IS A GOOD METHOD FOR MONEY.

What to Kill
Techniques to killing werewolves
Method 1 - Just attack them with any weapon you want a fight them and kill it.
Method 2 - Use range/Magic(spells) or halberd to attack them wile standing behind something [ bar stools/table in the bank]
Method 3 - kill men [level 24] useing wolfbane dagger
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