To start your fishing experience, you're going to need to buy something to catch the fish with, the fishing shop's are in Port Sarim, Catherby and Lumbridge. They only three in the game. however they are different method to get the gear like grand exchange (g e ) but might take some time to buy.
Once you've gotten everything together, there are mulipple locations were you can fish at, this guide will show you THE FASTEST WAY to get 99 and THE BEST WAY TO MAKE MONEY wile fishing.
Levels: 1-15 ~ Shrimp
Requirements: Small Net
Location: see below (where the bank is and where to fish)

Levels: 15-20 ~ Anchovies
Requirements: Small Net
Location: Same place as Shrimp
Levels: 20-30 ~ Trout
Requirements: Flyfishing Rod and Feathers
Location: see below (Follow the green line/road to bank)

Levels: 30-99~ Salmon & Trout ( till 99 if F2P and want 99 fishing fast )
Requirements: Flyfishing Rod and Feathers
Location: Same place as Trout
~power fishing Trout & Salmon can moslty reward about 20-40k XP/hr
Levels: 40-99 ~ Lobsters
Requirements: Cage
Location: see below (Follow the Pink line/road to bank)

~Lobsters are great source of XP and money (total profit 45-50m)
Levels: 62-99~ Monkfish
Requirements: Big Net & must have completed Swan Song Quest
Location: see below (Follow the green line/road to bank)

~total profit 53-60m from 62 to 99
Levels: 76-99~ Shark
Requirements: Harpoon and Bare hands
Location: see below (Follow the Blue line/road to bank)

~Shark offer a fantastic profit of 130-150m
Levels: 85-99~ Cavefish
Requirements: Normal rod and fishing bait
Location: see below (Follow the red line/road to bank)

Levels: 90-99~ Rocktail
Requirements: Normal Rod and living minerals
Location: see below (Follow the green line/road to bank)

when you have achieved you 99 fishing goal, make your way to the fishing guild and buy a fishing cape for 99k :]
By: Eli
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