"Flipping set" is simple and quick profit, for little work. doing cannon set is petty much free $
Set Flipping, can be done with any sets. but the best set that never failed is draft cannon set (till work). other amour can be done also , just be carefull
~490k gp +
~This involves Grand Exchange (GE) -- could take a while to buy, but selling is fast.
how to flip cannon
you can buy the four part of cannon and make it into set and sell or simply buy set above mid and sell 10gp below max.
note : this work 100% so if you have like 500k doing noting leave offer to buy a cannon set then sell it :P
is faster to buy cannon part and make set, as lot of people buy cannon set and not part. people dont make set when they sell cannon. they simple put 1 part in each box. i did that before i leant about fliping.
so buying cannon part then makeing set and selling set for max is quick , as buying does't take long when buying in part. ( but you have to wait 4hour before you can sell it )
method for fliping other set ( if you planing to do only do cannon dw about this. THIS PART FOR PEOPLE WHO LIKE RISK AND CAN PUT SOME TIME IN )
1. vist runescape g e data base. where u see what went up and waht drop.
2. find the item and do bit a of math , to see if you make profit if u buy the set and sell it (price change eveyday)
example : let say you pick rune set u go to the g e data base and find the price and then addd them up and then look up rune set and see how much set is and see if u get profit if u buy part and make set.
tips :
1. 4 HOUR RULE. have to wait 4 hour before buying selli same item.
so if u buy all those part and make set and put it to sell at max. IT WANT SELL TILL 4HR HAS PASS. THEN IT WOULD SELL RELLI FAST .
if u sell u set u cant buy for parts for another 4 has pass.
2. g e limt of amout u can buy.
cannon part and set has 10 per 4hr rule. so can only buy 10 set per 4hour .
if u were to flip this in a day buy 6 x 10 = 60 set per day then sell it next day .
3.buying takes a wile so better do it a day flip