How to safe buy Unidentified herbs (Unids).
Unidentified herbs are cheaper to buy because most people cant be bored to clean them or don't want to be scammed. BUT THEY 100% SAFE WAY TO BUY IT !! Just follow this basic setups and you will never be scammed by low level herb and away know that you buying the right Unidentified herb.First you need to Identified the unids you have before buying it. The way I did is was to keep them in separates tabs and leave the unids next to as you can see on the images. This way u know which stack are which herbs. I would recommoned creating tabs for the stacks/herbs you want ot buy. For example you might just have rannar herb tabs and Avantoe herbs tabs because those are the only two herb you buy. If you cant Identify herb you can vist the lady in Nardah and pay 200gp to identify the herb stack for you or give another player 1 unid to identify the herb for you and find out which herb that stack is. when you know what herb it is put it in tabs or a place in you bank where you can easy know which type of herb it is.
How to safe buy unidentified herbs.
If you followed the above step you would already have stack of unidentified herb. If you take full inventory with the noted unidentified of the herb you want to buy (see images). For example. You want to buy unid ranarr herbs, You would take cash noted unid ranarr herbs and full inventory of random item. (don't take food you might eat one accidentally)Now since you have full inventory only same type of the noted herb would be accept other wise you cant trade because you have full inventory . This is why if you keep the herbs in different tabs you can easy take the unids noted herb and trade someone with full inventory. IF the trade gets accept then you buying right herb, if not you don't have enough space and other person tried to scam you and failed.
** When withdrawing the herb from bank leave one in bank so when you the unids back it will go back to same place.
If you don't have the unids to setup anti-scam, Buy two noted herb from seller. THEN DEPOSIT 1 HERB WHILE KEEPING 1 INVENTORY . then WITHDRAW the DEPOSIT herb and clean it and see if the clean herb is right the fill inventory while keep the unid herb which u never deposit in bank with random item.
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