50 Construction ~ To move your house to Yanille. This allows you to use glory (often next room to alter).
Then you can use teleport to house and walk out to be outside Yanille portal and then go to "friend" portal.
To Begin:
1) Go to world 30, the official Gilded Altar world and join " 07 Altar" Clan chat.
50 Construction ~ To move your house to Yanille. This allows you to use glory (often next room to alter).
Then you can use teleport to house and walk out to be outside Yanille portal and then go to "friend" portal.
1) Go to world 30, the official Gilded Altar world and join " 07 Altar" Clan chat.
2) Then make you way to your Yanille or other Player Owned House location. (I find Yanille the best place to find someone hiring.
If you already have 27 dragon bone, carry this wiht you as un-noted dragon bone.
3) Find a house that is advertising free Gilded Altar and advertise in Clan chat and Player Owned House that your willing to be Bone runner for 25k - 10k. Is easy to find 10k but if you have 50 Construction you can ask for 25k since this is fast method.
4) Once you find someone hiring, negotiate the price
5) trade them your un-noted dragon bone for same amount of noted dragon bone and negotiate the price per run.
6) go to bank and un- noted the dragon bone and then go the Player Owned House and trade then the un-noted dragon bone for cash and noted dragon bone.
and keep repeating.
Fast Method:
If you have 50 Construction move you house to Yanille. When you have to un-noted the dragon bone. You can use Amulet of Glory mounted on a wall often next to the alter to teleport to Edgeville and then un-note the dragon bone and then use House teleport or house Tabs. to teleport to your house and then go out and then go to your friend house. This will save you time from running to bank to un-note the dragon bone and can tele back to portal.
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